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Steps To Access


At LRAC I have developed a 4-step-system that I use to coordinate access â€‹on a production. This is consistent no matter who I am there to support; or what phase of production I am brought in on. 


1. Assess
2. Report
3. Action
4. Support


The first thing that I will do is to assess the situation. This means identifying access barriers and areas lacking; as well as identifying what already works well, too. â€‹This could include private meetings/phone calls with disabled staff members, gathering information from production meetings, taking access tours, or even observing the project as an 'audience member'.

1. Assess

Assess the Access Requirements


The second step is to take all of the information and observations from the assessment, and write it up into an official report. This report will discuss ways in which there are presently access barriers; and also where access solutions are in place and working well. It will be comprehensive and easy to understand. This is the first half of the document I will present to production.

2. Report

Write the Access Report.


The third step is to take all of the access barriers outlined in the report, and. convert them into the access requirements. This means writing the actions and steps needed to take by production to overcome the barriers. This is the second half od the document I present to production.

3. Action

Write the Action Plan


The fourth step is to assist production with the practical tasks outlined in the action plan, and provide support in implementing them. I guide production through the active steps to remove access barriers, and assist in removing some of them for you. If there is ever an issue with one of the recommendations, I will collaborate with production to negotiate alternatives that fit with production's budget and schedule. 

4. Support

Assist in Implementing the Support

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